Friday, June 26, 2009


Some sing of love that they long for.
Some don't need jail they're in their own prison.
Hug someone today it might be your last chance.
God can set your free if you open your heart.
Turtles live alone and inside a shell, so do some people.
If love flows like a river then why are you stuck on the bank?
You can't see real beauty in a rose if you only look at the thorns.
If love can move mountains what about God's grace?
Why do people make time when someone dies but not while they're still living?
Never feel sorry you loved someone it's why we're here.
If we'd all love one another we could extinguish all the hate in this world.
Why do people run when someone loves them?
You can't love another until you love yourself.
You can't give away what you don't have.
When you cry and pour out your soul God's listening.
Ever wondered why good people die young, there's a place for angels.
Sometimes others can see in us what we can't see in ourselves.
Love can move mountains; there is nothing too hard for God.
If music is good for the soul just think what love could do.
You can say many things in silence.
Some sing of love that they long for.
How sad to love someone that doesn't love themselves.
If my love were a rose garden it would bloom till eternity.
Sometimes love is not enough.
A genuine smile cannot be resisted.
Sometimes some of the deepest feelings lie hidden in the heart and are not spoken.
A rose is pretty to look at but the fragrance lasts only a moment, its memory forever.
How do you say goodbye to someone you love?
Tears are prayers sown from the soul.
Where there is great love, there are many tears.
When you have been hurt in love you close your heart but if you open your heart and let someone in, you may find a good friend and you may find your true love.
If you love someone don't waste precious time tell them, you may never get another chance.
Some people give away what they do not want anymore, true love gives away what is most precious to them.
Love is sacrifice.
Heartstrings Two, Copyright © 2008 by Library of Congress

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